
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hello world... Well, sort of.

I think it's been around ages since I've ever used Blogger for blogs, but considering I want to modify my layouts more fully after my exams are finished, I figured I might as well have two accounts - one on Wordpress (that's Azureology, though it's fairly bare) for my personal stuff and everything else, and this one for my edits on Miss Bimbo - if I ever remember to post on it :D

So welcome to my little playground, where you'll see all that I've been doing on Miss Bimbo. Usually I'll put MB clothes up here, and once in a while, my edit for an occasional SR contest that I like to enter when I'm feeling a tad bit bored. This is sort of my experimenting ground, so feel free to wander here and watch my crazy mind unfold!

But for now, it's fairly bare - let me just tackle my Geography and my Literature to get them out of the way...


  1. Great blog! You're are a really talented editor. I don't see you enter that many contests. You should make more edits and you'll win for sure.
    I wish my edits looked that great :)

  2. Thank you :) I do enter contests, just not in the single rounds section - you can find me in the multi-rounds where I write more. But no, matched up against all the other editors, I can't really compare ^^
