
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Guess who?

So, yes. After around two weeks of exams, I found this lying around - it was for this MR contest I was doing two weeks back or so, but I'm kind of proud of it, so I thought I'd post it here. Cookies for those who can guess where the outfit came from! The theme for that round was Halloween... and so, being the otaku I am, I put the two together and voila! Here she was.

Yes, I know exactly which game this comes from, and judging by all the reviews the game got, it was... mediocre, at best, and at worst... uh, yeah. But there's no denying how pretty the graphics were - or how badass this particular character was! Though I was miffed at what she ended up as at the end of the game. Well, the sequel to this game was announced only yesterday at the E3 convention for video games, so I'm hoping that the plot improves somewhat... Come on, Square Enix, don't let me down! And you still owe me the FFVII port that you've been talking about for ages!


  1. Soo pretty *-*

    P.S. Guess who? XD

  2. Thank you! :D And no, I don't have the power to read identities from IPs yet, so you'll have to enlighten me. Or PM me, I don't mind either. Though I have this feeling if you do tell me, I'll beat myself up for not knowing.
